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Aggression Vs Reactivity

Aggression is a behavior where a dog may act aggressively towards people, animals, or objects. Aggression can be caused by a variety of factors, such as fear, anxiety, territoriality, or a lack of socialization. It is important to understand that aggression is not a breed-specific behavior and can occur in any dog breed.

Here are some different types of aggression in dogs, such as:

  1. Fear aggression: A dog may act aggressively when they are afraid or anxious.

  2. Territorial aggression: A dog may act aggressively to protect their territory, such as their home or yard.

  3. Resource guarding aggression: A dog may act aggressively when they are protecting their food, toys, or other resources.

  4. Dominance aggression: A dog may act aggressively to assert dominance over other dogs or people.

Reactivity is a behavior where a dog may react strongly or excessively to a stimulus, such as another dog, a person, or a loud noise. Reactivity can be caused by fear, anxiety, or a lack of socialization. Reactive behavior is not necessarily aggressive, but it can be mistaken for aggression if not properly understood.

Here are different types of reactivity in dogs, such as:

  1. Fear reactivity: A dog may react fearfully to a stimulus, such as a person or a loud noise.

  2. Over-excitement reactivity: A dog may react excitedly to a stimulus, such as another dog or a toy.

  3. Leash reactivity: A dog may react aggressively or fearfully when on a leash.

It is important to understand the differences between aggression and reactivity in dogs. While aggression is a serious issue that can be dangerous, reactivity can be managed and improved through training and socialization. It is always recommended to seek the help of a professional dog trainer if you suspect your dog is showing signs of aggression or reactivity.

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